Index by Treaty

Decision of the Court of Cassation, No. 15024 of 21 July 2016

Order of the Court of Brescia, III Civil Section, 18 July 2016

ASGI. Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione

Decision of the Court of Cassation, III Criminal Section, No. 38134 of 13 July 2016

Law No. 137 of 7 July 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Convention between the Government of Italian Republic and the Holy See on tax matters, done in Vatican City on 1 April 2015, with Exchange of notes of 20 July 2007. Entry into force: 23 July 2016

G.U. 22 July 2016, No. 170

Law No. 147 of 7 July 2016, Ratification and implementation of the following treaties: a) Extradition Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Italy and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, done in Pristina on 19 June 2013; b) Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between the Government of the Republic of Italy and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, done in Pristina on 19 June 2013. Entry into force: 3 August 2016.

G.U. 2 August 2016, No. 179

Decision of the Council of State, III Section, No. 4004 of 7 July 2016

Decision of the Court of Cassation, United Sections, No. 27620 of 6 July 2016

Diritto penale contemporaneo

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 214 of 6 July 2016

G.U. 5 October 2016, No.  40

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 193 of 6 July 2016

G.U. 27 July 2016, No. 30

Order of the Constitutional Court No. 209 of 6 July 2016

G.U. 14 September 2016, No. 37