immunities of diplomatic and consular agents

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Law No. 84 of 16 May 2017, Ratification and implementation of the Convention between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of Barbados for avoiding double taxation with respect to taxes on income and preventing fiscal evasion, done at Barbados on 24 August 2015. Entry into force: 15 June 2017

G.U. 14 June 2017, No. 136

Law No. 137 of 7 July 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Convention between the Government of Italian Republic and the Holy See on tax matters, done in Vatican City on 1 April 2015, with Exchange of notes of 20 July 2007. Entry into force: 23 July 2016

G.U. 22 July 2016, No. 170

Law No. 53 of 5 April 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Italian Republic and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay on the work activities of the family members of diplomatic, consular and administrative staff, done in Rome on 26 August 2014. Entry into force 27 April 2016.

G.U. 26 April 2016, No.  96

Law No. 166 of 29 September 2015, Ratification and Execution of the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Chile on the authorization to the exercise of working activities by dependent family members of diplomatic, consular and technical-administrative staff of diplomatic and consular missions, done in Rome 13 December 2013. Entry into force: 22 October 2015

G.U. 21 October 2015, No.  245

Order of the Court of Cassation, United Sections, No. 19784 of 28 April 2015

Law No. 49 of 23 April 2015. Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Argentina on the work activities of the family members of diplomatic, consular and administrative officials, done at Rome on 17 July 2003, with exchange of interpretative letters, done at Rome on 25 June 2012 and 3 September 2012. Entry into force: 6 May 2015

G.U. 5 May 2015, No. 102

Law No. 15 of 10 February 2015. Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Italian Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil on the work activities of the family members of the diplomatic, consular and administrative officials, done at Rome on 11 November 2008, with exchange of interpretative letters, done at Rome on 28 August and 12 October 2012. Entry into force: 20 April 2016

G.U. 3 March 2015, No. 51

Decision of the Court of Cassation, V Criminal Section, No. 39788 of 11 March 2014

Decision of the Court of Appeal of Milan, III Criminal Section, of 1 February 2013

Decision of the Court of Cassation, V Criminal Section, No. 46340 of 19 September 2012