and police cooperation in criminal matters

Law No. 10 of 25 January 2017, Ratification and implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Italy and the Ministry of interior of the Republic of Azerbaijan, done at Rome on 5 November 2012. Entry into force: 15 February 2017

G.U. 14 February 2017, No. 37

GRECO (Group of States against Corruption). Fourth Evaluation Round. Evaluation Report on Italy, “Corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors”, adopted by GRECO at its 73rd Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 17-21 October 2016) (GRECO Eval IV (2016) 2) (Publication: 19 January 2017)

Law No. 1 of 5 January 2017, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of Italian Republic and the Government of the French Republic for the start of conclusive works for the cross-border section of the new railway line Turin-Lion, done at Paris on 24 February 2015, and of the Additional Protocol, with Attachment, done at Venice on 8 March 2016, with annexed Regulation of contract done at Turin on 7 June 2016. Entry into force: 13 January 2017

G.U. 12 January 2017, No. 9

Law No. 247 of 21 December 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Cape Verde on police cooperation, done in Praia on 8 July 2013. Entry into force: 5 January 2017.

G.U. 4 January 2017, No. 3

Law No. 246 of 21 December 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Angola on security matters and the public order, done in Luanda on 19 April 2012. Entry into force: 4 January 2017.

G.U. 3 January 2017, No. 2

Council of Europe, GRECO (Group of States against Corruption), Third Evaluation Round. Second Compliance Report on Italy: “Incriminations (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2),” ”Transparency of Party Funding”, adopted by GRECO at its 74th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 28 November – 2 December 2016), GrecoRC3 (2016) 13, 2 December 2016

Law No 213 of 3 November 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Government of the Italian Republic for the Fight against Crime, done at Amman on 27 June 2011. Entry into force: 24 November 2016

G.U. 23 November 2016, No. 274

Law No. 215 of 3 November 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Armenia on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters, done in Yerevan on 6 March 2009. Entry into force: 25 November 2016.

G.U.  24 November 2016, No. 275

Law No. 209 of 3 November 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Austria on police cooperation, done in Vienna on 11 July 2014. Entry into force: 22 November 2016

G.U. 21 November 2016, No. 272

Law No. 211 of 3 November 2016, Ratification and implementation of the following Treaties: a) Extradition Treaty between the Italian Republic and the Republic of Chile, done in Rome on 27 February 2002, with Additional Protocol, done in Santiago on 4 October 2012; b) Agreement on mutual administrative assistance for the prevention, investigation and repression of customs offences between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Chile, done in Brussels on 6 December 2005. Entry into force: 23 November 2016.

G.U. 22 November 2016, No. 273