and police cooperation in criminal matters

Law No. 161 of 24 September 2015, Ratification and Execution of the Extradition Treaty between the Republic of Italy and the People’s Republic of China, done in Rome 7 October 2010. Entry into force: 10 October 2015

G.U. 9 October 2015, No. 235

Law No. 79 of 16 June 2015, Ratification and Execution of the Treaty on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons between the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Kazakhstan, done in Astana 8 November 2013. Entry into force: 24 June 2015

G.U. 23 June 2015, No. 143

Law No. 89 of 15 June 2015, Ratification and Execution of the Extradition Treaty between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the United Mexican States, done in Rome 28 July 2011. Entry into force: 4 July 2015

G.U. 3 July 2015, No. 152

Law No. 90 of 15 June 2015, Ratification and Execution of the Treaty on Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the United Mexican States, done in Rome 28 July 2011. Entry into force: 4 July 2015

G.U. 3 July 2015, No. 152

Decision of the Court of Cassation, IV Criminal Section, No. 24860 of 21 May 2015

Law No. 63 of 6 May 2015, Ratification and implementation of the bilateral Agreement between Italy and Montenegro complementing the European Convention on Extradition of 13 December 1957 and aimed at facilitating its application, done at Podgorica on 25 July 2013; and of the bilateral Agreement between Italy and Montenegro complementing the European Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters of 20 April1959 and aimed at facilitating its application, done at Podgorica on 25 July 2013. Entry into force: 19 May 2015

G.U. 18 May 2015, No. 113

Law No. 64 of 29 April 2015. Ratification and Implementation of the Treaty between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, done at Rome on 7 October 2010. Entry into force: 20 May 2015

G.U. 19 May 2015, No. 114

Law No. 50 of 28 April 2015. Ratification and implementation of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of Montenegro, done at Rome on 6 February 2010. Entry into force: 6 May 2015

G.U. 5 May 2015, No. 102

Law No. 13 of 10 February 2015. Ratification and implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on Preventing and Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors, done at Rome on 2 June 2011. Entry into force: 3 March 2015.

G.U. 2 March 2015, No. 50

Law No. 17 of 10 February 2015. Ratification and implementation on the Treaty on the transfer of sentenced persons between the Government of the Republic of Italy and the Government of the Federal Republic of Brazil, done at Brasilia on 27 March 2008. Entry into force: 20 April 2016

G.U. 4 March 2015, No. 52