Law No. 155 of 28 July 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement on police and customs cooperation between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Swiss Federal Council, done in Rome on 14 October 2013. Entry into force: 11 August 2016.

G.U. 10 August 2016, No. 186

Decision of the Court of Appeal of Trieste, I Section, No. 553 of 22 July 2016

ASGI. Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione

Decision of the Council of State, III Section, No. 4004 of 7 July 2016

Order of the Court of Genova, XI Civil Section, No. 9 of 30 June 2016

Order of the Court of Genova, XI Civil Section, No. 8 of 30 June 2016

Order of the Constitutional Court No. 181 of 22 June 2016

G.U. 20 July 2016, No. 29

Decision of the Court of Appeal of Torino, II Civil Section, No. 1031 of 21 June 2016

Order of the Constitutional Court No. 180 of 21 June 2016

G.U. 20 July 2016, No.  29

Order of the Court of Cassation, VI Civil Section, No. 12709 of 20 June 2016

Committee against Torture, Communication No. 598/2014, Decision adopted by the Committee at its fifty-seventh session (18 April-13 May 2016), CAT/C/57/D/598/2014, 13 June 2016