maritime sicurity

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Law No. 194 of 4 December 2017, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the Republic of Mozambique concerning cooperation in the defense sector, done in Maputo on 19 March 2014. Entry into force: 22 December 2017

G.U. 21 December 2017, No. 297

Law No. 11 of 25 January 2017, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement of cooperation in the field of defense between the Government of Italian Republic and the Executive of the Republic of Angola, done at Rome on 19 November 2013. Entry into force: 16 February 2017

G.U. 15 February 2017, No. 39

Law No. 64 of 19 April 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Federal Government of the Somali Republic on defence cooperation, done in Rome on 17 September 2013. Entry into force: 6 May 2016.

G.U. 5 May 2016, No. 104

Law No. 117 of 4 August 2015, Conversion into law of law decree No. 99 of 8 July 2015 containing urgent provisions for the participation of military personnel European Union military operation in the south central Mediterranean called EUNAVFOR MED. Entry into force: 7 August 2015

G.U. 6 August 2015, No. 181

Law Decree No. 99 of 8 July 2015, Urgent provisions for the participation of military personnel in the European Union military operation in the south central Mediterranean called EUNAVFOR MED. Entry into force: 8 July 2015

G.U. dell’8 July 2015, No. 156