privileges and immunities

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Law No. 201 of 4 December 2017, Ratification and implementation of the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the Unified Patent Court, done in Bruxelles on 29 June 2016. Entry into force: 24 December 2017

G.U. 23 December2017, n. 299

Law No. 170 of 27 November 2017, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Italian Republic and the European Centre for medium-range weather forecasts concerning the premises of the Centre located in Italy, with Annexes, done in Reading on 22 June 2017. Entry into force: 2 December 2017

G.U. 1 December 2017, No. 281

Decision of the Court of Cassation, IV Criminal Section, No. 36769 of 24 July 2017

Law No. 157 of 4 August 2016, Ratification and implementation of following Treaties: (a) Agreement between the Italian Republic and International Bioversity on the headquarters of the organization, done in Rome on 5 May 2015; (b) Agreement between the Italian Republic and the European Space Agency on its structure in Italy, with Attachments, done in Rome on 12 July 2012, and Exchange of Notes done in Paris on 13 and 27 April 2015; (c) Agreement between the Italian Republic and United Nations on status of the Staff College in the United Nations System in Italy of 16 September 2003, amended on 28 September 2006, done in Turin on 20 March 2015; (d) Protocol of Amendment of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Italian Republic and the United Nations regarding the use by the United Nations of Premises on Military Installations in Italy for the Support of Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Related Operations of 23 November 1994, with Attachment, done in New York on 28 April 2015. Entry into force: 13 August 2016.

G.U. 12 August 2016, No. 188

Order of the Court of Milan, I Civil Section, 16 April 2016

Law No. 205 of 7 December 2015, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement between the Government of Italy and the World Health Organization – Regional Office for Europe concerning the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development, with Amendment and Attachments, done in Rome on 23 November 2012. Entry into force: 24 December 2015

G.U. 23 December 2015, No. 298

Law No. 182 of 21 November 2014, Ratification and Implementation of the Additional Protocol (No. 2) to the Headquarters Agreement between the European University Institute and the Government of the Italian Republic, done at Rome on 22 June 2011. Entered into force: 14 December 2014

G.U. 13 December 2014, No. 289

Law No. 100 of 9 August 2013, Ratification and Implementation of the Protocol of Understanding between the Government of Italian Republic and the United Nations of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on the activity in Italy, at Perugia, of the Programme Office on Global Water Assessment which host the Secretariat of the World Water Assessment Programme, done at Paris on 12 September 2012. Entered into force: 24 August 2013

G.U. 23 August 2013, No. 197