refugees and asylum seekers

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Decision of the Regional Administrative Court for Veneto No. 801 of 20 May 2015

Decree of the President of the Republic No. 21 of 12 January 2015, Regulation on procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection in accordance with Article 38, subparagraph 1, of law decree No. 25 of 28 January 2008. Entry into force: 20 March 2015

G.U. 5 March 2015, No. 53

Decision of the Court of Trieste, Civil Section, 28 December 2014

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Consolidating the CEAS: innovative approaches after the Stockholm Programme? UNHCR’s recommendations to Italy for the EU Presidency July – December 2014

Law No. 146 of 17 October 2014. Conversion into law, with amendments, of Law Decree No. 119 of August 2014, containing urgent measures on contrast against illegality and violence episodes on occasion of sport events, on recognition of international protection, and also for ensure the functionality of the Home Office. Entered into force: 22 October 2014. Text of Law decree No. 119/2014 as modified by Law No. 146/2014

G.U. 21 October 2014, No. 245

Law No. 141 of 1 October 2014. Conversion into law, with amendments, of law decree No. 109 of 1 August 2014, concerning the extension of international missions of armed and police Forces, initiatives for development cooperation and support to reconstruction and participation in initiatives by international organizations for consolidating peace and stability processes, and provisions on renewal of the foreign italian Committees. Entered into force: 4 October 2014. Text of law decree No. 109/2014 as modified by law No. 141/2014.

G.U. 3 October 2014,  No. 23

Council of Europe, Decision on the application by Italy of the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments on case Hirsi Jamaa and others v. Italy of 2 February 2012, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 25 September 2014 at the 1208th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, CM/Del/OJ/DH(2014)1208/9, 26 September 2014

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Submission by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights’ Compilation Report – Universal Periodic Review: Italy, March 2014

Order of the Surveillance Court of Torino 26 March 2014

Law No. 28 of 14 March 2014, Conversion into law, with modifications, of law decree No. 2 of 16 January 2014 concerning the extension of Armed and Police Forces international missions, development cooperation initiatives, and support to reconstruction and participation in international organizations initiatives for consolidating peace and stability processes. Entered into force: 18 March 2014. Text of law decree No. 2 of 2014 as modified by law No. 28 of 2014

G.U. 17 March 2014, No. 63