Relevant documents

Law No. 203 of 29 December 2014, Ratification and implementation of the Protocol of amendment to the Convention between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the United Mexican States for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of fiscal evasion, with Protocol, of 8 July 1991, done in Mexico City on 23 June 2011. Entry into force: 29 January 2015

G. U. 28 January 2015, No. 22

Decision of the Court of Trieste, Civil Section, 28 December 2014

Decision of the Regional Administrative Court for Lombardy No. 128 of 19 December 2014

Order of the Court of Trieste, Labor Section, 17 December 2014

Order of the Court of Cassation, IV Labour Section, No. 4881 of 17 December 2014

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Consolidating the CEAS: innovative approaches after the Stockholm Programme? UNHCR’s recommendations to Italy for the EU Presidency July – December 2014

Order of the Court of Trieste, Labor Section, 12 December 2014

Human Rights Council, Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review: Italy; Outcome of the Universal Periodic Review: Italy, A/HRC/28/4, 10 December 2014

European Committee of Social Rights, Decision on the merits, Association for the Protection of All Children (APPROACH) v. Italy (Complaint No. 94/2013), 5 December 2014

Council of Europe, Decision on the application by Italy of the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments on cases Torreggiani and others v. Italy of 8 January 2013 and Sulejmanovic v. Italy of 16 July 2009, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 4 December 2014 at the 1214th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, CM/Del/OJ/DH(2014)1214/11, 5 December 2014