Council of Europe, Decision on the application by Italy of the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments on cases Torreggiani and others v. Italy of 8 January 2013 and Sulejmanovic v. Italy of 16 July 2009, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 4 December 2014 at the 1214th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, CM/Del/OJ/DH(2014)1214/11, 5 December 2014

The decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe refers to the application by Italy of the European Court of Human Rights’ pilot judgment on the Torreggiani case of January 2013, and the judgment on the Sulejmanovic case of July 2009. The Committee welcomed the steps taken by Italy to rapidly put in place, following the pilot judgment, the remedies required. It underlined the importance of further monitoring implementation. The Committee viewed positively the data provided by Italy, which have been welcomed also by the European Court, from which it emerges that the continuous reduction of prison overcrowding. Furthermore, the Committee recommended Italy to submit, by 1st December 2015, a report with regard to the effectiveness of the remedies together with statistical data to confirm the positive trend, and an action plan on further measures.

  • See also:

    Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, II Section, 8 January 2013, Torreggiani and others v. Italy

  • Original language: Italiano