Decision of the Court of Cassation, V Criminal Section, No. 42996 of 14 September 2016

Diritto penale contemporaneo

Law No. 155 of 28 July 2016, Ratification and implementation of the Agreement on police and customs cooperation between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Swiss Federal Council, done in Rome on 14 October 2013. Entry into force: 11 August 2016.

G.U. 10 August 2016, No. 186

Law No. 149 of 21 July 2016, Ratification and Implemention of the Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters between Member States of the European Union, done in Brussels on 29 May 2000, and delegation of powers to the Government for its implementation. Delegation to the Government for the reform of the Chapter XI of the code of criminal procedure. Amendments to norms on extradition: deadline for delivery and maximum duration of coercive measures. Entry into force: 5 August 2016.

G.U. 4 August 2016, No. 181

Law No. 145 of 21 July 2016, Provisions relating to the Italian participation to International missions. Entry into force: 31 December 2016 [except for Article 20, entered into force on 2 August 2016].

G.U 1 August 2016, No. 178

Law No. 131 of 14 July 2016, Conversion into a law, with modifications, of law decree No. 67 of 16 May 2016, concerning the extension of armed and police forces participation in international missions, development cooperation and support to rebuilding processes and initiatives from international organizations to consolidate peace and stabilization processes, as well as urgent safety measures. Extension of the deadline of legislative delegation. Entry into force: 16 July 2016.

G.U. 15 July 2016, No. 164

Decision of the Court of Cassation, III Criminal Section, No. 38134 of 13 July 2016

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 193 of 6 July 2016

G.U. 27 July 2016, No. 30

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 204 of 14 June 2016

G.U. 27 July 2016, No.  30

Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, 9 June 2016, Delegation of functions regarding equal opportunities and on the subject of international adoption to the Minister for Constitutional Reform and Parliamentary Relations the Hon. Mrs Maria Elena Boschi.

G.U. 21 June 2016, No. 143

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 156 of 31 May 2016

G.U. 6 July 2016, No. 27