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Editorial Staff
No.3: 2016-2017
Focus: Non-discrimination and gender-based violence in Italy over the check of international monitoring bodies
by Rachele Cera
Focus: Judgment No. 238/2014 of the Constitutional Court and Follow-up
by Ornella Ferrajolo
Focus: On the Application of International Law in the “Marò” Case
by Giuseppe Palmisano
Browse the Survey of cases and materials
Guide to Reading of Edition No.3: 2016-2017
by Ornella Ferrajolo
Guide to Reading of Edition No.2: 2014-2015
by Editorial Staff
Guide to Reading of Edition No.1: 2012-2013
by Ornella Ferrajolo
Subjects Index
Index by category
Index by treaty
Index by year
ISSN 2283-5466
right to physical integrity
No categories
Italy and International Law
Human rights
> right to physical integrity
Order of the Judge for preliminary investigation of the Court of Milan 10 July 2017
Diritto penale contemporaneo
Law No.43 of 17 April 17 2015, Conversion into law, with amendments, of law decree No 7 of 18 February 2015, Urgent measures for the fight against terrorism, including international terrorism, as well as extension of the international missions of the armed and police Forces, cooperation initiatives for development and for support to reconstruction processes and participation in initiatives of international Organizations for the consolidation of peace and stabilization processes. Entry into force: 21 April 2015. Text of law decree No. 7/2015 as modified by law No. 43/2015
G.U. 20 April 2015, No. 91
Decision of the Court of Appeal of Venice, II Criminal Section, No. 1485 of 23 November 2012
Diritto penale contemporaneo