prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

Decree of the Surveillance Judge of Alessandria 26 September 2014

Council of Europe, Decision on the application by Italy of the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments on case Hirsi Jamaa and others v. Italy of 2 February 2012, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 25 September 2014 at the 1208th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, CM/Del/OJ/DH(2014)1208/9, 26 September 2014

Law No 117 of 11 August 2014, Conversion into law, with modifications, of law decree No. 92 of 26 June 2014 containing urgent provisions on remedies for compensation to the benefit of detainees and other persons deprived of their freedom who were subjected to treatments in violation of Article 3 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; modifications to the code of criminal procedure with implementing provisions, and regulation on Penitentiary Police Forces and penitentiary order, including for juvenile justice. Entry into force: 21 August 2014. Text of law decree No. 92/2014 as modified by law No. 117/2014

G.U. 20 August 2014, No. 192

Human Rights Council, National report submitted in accordance with paragraph 5 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 16/21, Italy, A /HRC/WG.6/20/ITA/1, July 2014

Council of Europe, Decision on the application by Italy of the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments on cases Torreggiani and others v. Italy of 8 January 2013 and Sulejmanovic v. Italy of 16 July 2009, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 5 June 2014 at the 1201st meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, CM/Del/OJ/DH(2014)1201/10, 6 June 2014

Decision of the Court of Cassation, VI Criminal Section, No. 30087 of 30 April 2014

Law No. 67 of 28 April 2014, delegation of power to the government on penalty alternative to prison detention, and reform of sanctions. Provisions on the suspension of criminal proceedings with probation and on proceedings in absentia. Entry into force: 17 May 2014

G.U. 2 May 2014, No. 100

Decision of the Court of Cassation, VI Criminal Section, No. 30864 of 8 April 2014

Order of the Surveillance Court of Torino 26 March 2014

Council of Europe, Decision on the application by Italy of the European Court of Human Rights’ judgments on cases Torreggiani and others v. Italy of 8 January 2013 and Sulejmanovic v. Italy of 16 July 2009, adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 6 March 2014 at the 1193rd meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies, CM/Del/OJ/DH(2014)1193/11, 7 March 2014