UN Human Rights Council, Report by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau. Addendum : Mission to Italy (29 September – 8 October 2012) (A/HRC/23/46/Add.3, 30 April 2013)

In his Report, the Special Rapporteur recognized that Italy has developed “a large apparatus of law and policies” on the subject of migration and border management; however, much remains to be done to ensure full respect for migrants’ human rights. The Rapporteur recommended, inter alia, to better guarantee respect for human rights of migrants, when negotiating cooperation agreements with their countries of origin; to render the functioning of the identification and expulsion centres (CIEs) more in line with the European and international standards; to enhance respect for the rights of the asylum seekers; to refrain from a terminology, such as the expression “immigrati clandestini” (“illegal immigrants”), which leads to reinforce prejudices against these persons. Given the interference of the FRONTEX regulation and other EU norms with nacional policies, the Special Rapporteur addressed some recommendations also to the EU institutions.
