Following the comments contained in the Report of the European Committee, Italy has provided some clarifications on the so-called hotspots set up with law No. 46/2017, in which migrants are placed for the purposes of first aid and pre-identification, or if in an irregular position on the national territory. Although law No. 46/2017 foresees that the period of stay in the hotspot must be the shortest possible and that who have expressed his/her willingness to apply for international protection are transferred to a reception center as soon as possible, the time spent in the hotspots is prolonged due to the shortage of places at the dedicated reception facilities. With regard to the conditions in the closed removal centres, by recognizing the need highlighted by the Committee to increase the range of recreational and training activities, it is emphasized that some activities are already planned in some centres. Furthermore, in order to guarantee security and public order in these centers, the Police Immigration Office was made aware of the numerous cases of violence that took place there and urged to adopt measures in this area.
Report to the Italian Government on the visit to Italy carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 7 to 13 June 2017 CPT/Inf (2018) 13, 10 April 2018; Law No. 46 of 13 April 2017, Conversion into law with amendments of law decree No. 13 of 17 February 2017, containing urgent measures to accelerate the procedure on international protection and to combat irregular immigration.