The Report was drafted following the on-site visit to Italy carried out by the GRECO evaluation team for Theme I (“Incriminations”) in 2011. After in depth analysis of the Italian anti-corruption legislation, the GRECO team concluded that, generally speaking, the offences prescribed in the criminal code and the related sanctions are in line with the standards of the Criminal Convention on Corruption of the Council of Europe, which Italy had signed but not ratified yet. However, the Report also contains recommendations for Italy to strengthen its national legal framework as regards: the international dimension of bribery; the criminalization of bribery in the private sector; measures for ensuring that the applicable provisions for bribery and trading in influence offences are actively enforced in practice and cases are decided before the expiry of the statute of limitations; the practical application of the offence of “concussione” (Article 317 of the criminal code); the extension and the conditions for the exercise of jurisdiction over acts of corruption committed abroad.
GRECO (Group of States against Corruption). Third Evaluation Round. Evaluation Report on Italy, “Transparency of Party Funding” (Theme II), adopted by GRECO at its 54th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 20-23 March 2012)