In addition to the illustration of the Italian legislation against xenophobia, racial discrimination and hate, the Report highlights the strengthening of initiatives to protect and promote the rights of persons belonging to linguistic minorities. Despite the economic crisis and the related budget cuts, the allocations in favor of the linguistic minorities have progressively increased, both for activities in support of the historical linguistic minorities ex Law No. 482/1999, and for those foreseen by Law No. 38/2001 in favor of the Slovene linguistic minority. The regional legislation aimed at the enhancement of local languages and cultures has also considerably developed. Regarding the protection of Roma and Sinti communities, for which the resolution adopted by the Committee of Ministers 4 July 2012 highlighted the lack of a legal framework for their protection and integration, the implementation of the National Strategy for the inclusion of these communities in the social environment in the four areas of intervention provided it has improved the schooling of children and has created job opportunities for the members of such communities.