Order of the Court of Bari, I Civil Section, 3-9 January 2014

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 308 of 10 December 2013

G.U. 27 December 2013, No. 52

Law No. 135 of 9 December 2013, Conversion into law with amendments of Law Decree No. 114 of 10 October 2013 concerning the extension of international missions of Armed and Police Forces, initiatives for development cooperation and support to reconstruction and participation in initiatives by international organizations for consolidating peace and stability processes. Entered into force: 10 December 2013. Text of law decree No. 114/2013 as modified by Law No. 135/2013

G.U. 9 December 2013, No. 288

Law Decree No. 114 of 10 October 2013, Measures for the extension of international missions of Armed and Police Forces, of activities for development cooperation and of participation in the initiatives of International Organizations for the consolidation of peace processes. Entered into force: 10 October 2013

G.U. 10 October 2013, No. 238

Decision of the Court of Rome, I Civil Section, of 23 September 2013

Order of the Constitutional Court No. 235 of 16 July 2013

G.U. 31 July 2013, No. 31

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 210 of 3 July 2013

G.U. 24 July 2013, No. 30

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 214 of 3 July 2013

G.U. 24 July 2013, No. 30

Decision of the Constitutional Court No. 170 of 1 July 2013

G.U. 10 July 2013, No. 28

Order of the Constitutional Court No. 156 of 17 June 2013

G.U. 26 June 2013, No. 26