The Concluding Observations of the CEDAW Committee focus on three main areas: women refugees and asylum seekers, gender-based violence against women, trafficking and exploitation of prostitution. With reference to the first point, it was underlined the absence of a comprehensive and harmonized legal framework that promotes the identification and the provision of specific assistance for the most vulnerable categories, represented by women and children. The Committee also notes the insufficient number of reception centres and the overcrowding and substandard conditions in existing centres. With regard to gender-based violence, the matters of concern are the high number of the cases, the low rates of prosecution of the perpetrators and the predominant practice of resolving these crimes through non-binding procedures such as mediation and conciliation. In respect of trafficking and exploitation, the Committee highlighted the absence of special law provisions and the lack of mechanisms to identify and protect victims of trafficking, who are often considered offenders and irregular migrants.
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, List of issues and questions in relation to the seventh periodic report of Italy, Addendum – Replies of Italy, CEDAW/C/ITA/Q/7/Add.1, 12 May 2017